The Cube. The Cube is a game show hosted by Phillip Schofield. The premise of the show is for a contestant to play 7 simple games in order to win money at each stage. The games seem simple but with the pressure of the money prize and a time restraint, it makes for a very tense programme. Set The set in The Cube is very simple, but very dramatic. As is suggested, the main focus is a transparent cube within which the games are played. Schofield stands on an 'island' outside of the cube, and connecting the 2 is a bridge that only moves into place with the contestant is walking to and from the cube. This is effective because it develops a sense of separation for the contestant. "It makes for bafflingly brilliant television, watching people trying to complete minor, slightly fiddly tasks while standing – for no real reason other than the show’s name demanding it – in a plastic box." (Travis, 2015) They are very much enclosed and cut off from the 'outside wor...
My name's Effie and I'm studying a Television Production BA (hons) course at UCA.