My Actors
I received audition tapes from other actors who I eventually didn't cast for numerous reasons. One actress applied for Maddie and she seemed nice but she was very quietly spoken, which I didn't think fit the character for either Fern or Maddie. It really helped that I had had a clear idea of who each character was from the very beginning (especially as I had based them on people I knew, I could tell who would fit the person and who wouldn't). I was concerned that this would make the casting process harder because I would be forced to cast people that I don't feel creates the character fully, but it actually made the process a lot easier and streamlined for me.
Audition Tapes
I used audition tapes rather than in-person auditions because of time restraints, and I found that I was able to get plenty from the actors by just asking them a few questions, which were as follows:I asked these questions because I felt it would give me a better idea of their traits and preferences and how well that would translate into creating a character.
Nothing too big went wrong with the casting of the actors and in general I think it went very well. In the future I would maybe try and confirm it a bit earlier, as I confirmed the actors I eventually got about a week and a half before the shoot. However, this was because I had given the parts to different people and then they couldn't do it so I had to give it to someone else. In all I managed to cast all of the actors over the course of 3 days. One actor had to drop out on the day of filming but he had a very fair reason that couldn't be helped by anybody. I could maybe have fixed this by having 'back-ups', but then I would potentially be wasting another actor's time if it turned out that they weren't needed.
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