Somers Town (2008) Somers Town is a comedy-drama set in Somers Town, London, directed by Shane Meadows and produced by Barnaby Spurrier. The film follows Tomo (Thomas Turgoose) and Marek (Piotr Jagiello) and the growth of their friendship over the course of a few days. Tomo is a runaway from Nottingham and Marek is a Polish immigrant who lives with his father who drinks too much. Crew Shane Meadows Somers Town is one of Meadows' feature films. His filmography also includes another inspiration for this project This is England . I'll be looking into Meadows' work in a lot more detail in a separate post. For this production, he opted Paul Fraser as his writer. Paul Fraser Fraser is often writer for Meadows' projects, as they have been friends since childhood. His other works include Once Upon a Time in the Midlands and Heartlands . In time that he isn't writing, he is advising on scripts and gives masterclasses on script-writing. In his interview ...
My name's Effie and I'm studying a Television Production BA (hons) course at UCA.