Vinters Park, Maidstone (30th April) and Jeskyns Country Park (T.B.C)
We are currently in the process of getting in touch with the groundskeepers of Vinters Park, where we may be able to get vox pops from dog owners. This may not necessarily mean we will be talking to pug dog owners but we may still be able to ask people some questions. It will be good to keep these questions short and sweet so that we don't inconvenience the people we're filming too much.
- Are they rescue or breeder, why did you choose this route to get a dog?
- Why did you choose this breed of dog?
- What do you think about fashionable breeds such as it used to be Chihuahuas but it seems that now it's Pugs or Shiba Inus.
The Pug Hotel, Rochester (1st May)
We have arranged to visit a pug hotel in Rochester, which is run by a lady called Tasha who also owns her own pugs. We will be attending to film on Tuesday 1st, and will be aiming to get a lot of GVs of the dogs, as well as an informal interview with Tasha herself.
- Where did the company start and how long has it been running?
- Why pugs?
- So you have your own?
- Did you rescue them or buy them?
- Do you have regular customers?
- What do you think it is about pugs that have made them so popular in the last couple of years?
- Would you say they're an addiction? Why?
- What health issues do they face most commonly?
- How does that affect being an owner of one?
- Is there any advice you'd give to someone getting a pug?
Last Chance Rescue (4th May)
We have arranged to pay a visit to a rescue centre just out of town, where we will be able to film with dogs that are up for adoption. We are hoping to promote rescuing dogs from shelters in this portion of the documentary and potentially ending it on a positive note.
- How many dogs are in your care?
- How much does it cost to have a dog in a shelter?
- What is the primary reasons dogs end up in shelters?
- Do you see many fashionable breeds come in? Or "Christmas Presents"
- Is there more popular breeds that come in or is it all random?
- What can the public do to help the situation?
- Why should someone adopt rather than buy?
Unconfirmed Breeder (T.B.C)
We have not found a pug breeder that we can talk to but we are currently searching for someone so that we can get shots of the puppies and ask the breeder some questions.
- How long have you owned pugs for?
- How long have you been breeding for?
- Why pugs?
- How much are you able to sell them for?
- Why do you love your pugs?
- What type of customers do you get? Is it often people who already own pugs? Or is it new owners?
- Does caring for pugs differ from caring for other breeds?
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