Joe Swanberg. Joe Swanberg is primarily a writer, director, and producer, most recently working on Easy (2016) for Netflix. I want to use his work as an example to work from, especially with it falling into the 'mumblecore' movement. When we pitched our idea, Joe Swanberg was mentioned as feedback for us to look into. I've found his work inspiring and wanted to break down why, and how it might affect my work. Easy Easy, made for Netflix, is an anthology show revolving around the ups and downs of relationships. Joe's way of working on the show was very interesting to me. Speaking to NPR, he revealed that he didn't use a script , instead, he wrote an outline of the scene, and then let his actors improvise. They worked through each scene in this way. "I always felt: wow, it'd be really interesting if these characters just spoke for themselves." He also filmed each episode in 4 days at a time. This revealed to me just how much can get done, eve...